Фирма SC EXELA Produse SRL

tel.: + 373 68191788


str. Haltei 21/2 , ap.13


Nanotechnologies in the agro-indusrial complex


It will allow landowners to get big crops.We already have the first results of application of bioorganic fertilizers «NAGRO». Opening meeting, the Head of the oblast noticed that innovative technologies in agriculture - one of the main components of the success of this branch of economy.

Environmental conditions of Northern Kazakhstan allow to receive big crops of agricultural cultures. But it is guaranteed only against the high standard of farming and introduction of new technologies that provides preservation and restoration of fertility of soil, stabilization of level of productivity, reception of high-quality level of productivity and increase of profitability of manufacture. If in the most droughty year we received to 12 ts/hectares, that, introducing modern technologies, we should receive not less than 20-25 ts/hectares.

In NКО the project on application of nanotechnologies in the agriculture branch is already realized. It is the question of bioorganic fertilizer "NAGRO" for grain. Today representatives of the company are in the hall. But they will tell about the first results of this project a bit later. Firstly the presented their partners - foreign colleagues from Holland who, using innovations, are engaged in the manufacture of seeds of potato.

David Varagyan, the president of “Goldhein investments”

There is a possibility to cooperate, to unite. We'll be glad to help, and help with leasing registration. We involve partners. Here is Holland, though and it is some tens times less in territory, but realizes today up to 950 thousand tons of potato seeds.

According to the head of region Serik Bilyalov, the Dutch technology of cultivation of the potato is already applied in the oblast. He gave an example of КТ "Zenchenko and K", here quite good results are received. At the same time the akim of the oblast noticed that today in region the elite seeds of potato are just brought in. And together with the Dutch experts this problem can be solved.

The top-manager on export of "Agritech Profi" Leon Van Der Vekken informed - in the market of Russia and Kazakhstan the the company has worked 25 years. Using the modern technologies, "Agritech Profi" lets out the biologically qualitative product. Heads of agricultural formations of the oblast were have shown a film about use of this technology. Average productivity - 40 tons of potato from one hectare. Totally in the company it is made more than 200 varieties of seeds. The North Kazakhstans citizens became interested in the project, actively asked questions. For example, about the how long the vegetative period lasts.

Leon Van Der Vekken, the top-manager on export of "Agritech Profi", Holland

- We are also interested, that your results were quite well. There are a lot of experts in our company, who can help to get a good result.

About technologies of cultivation of potato representatives of one more Dutch firm "Agri" have told also. Here the approach to business is the similar. As a whole, conditions are clear to the North Kazakhstan experts, as well as that this project is perspective.

The director of "SBI-AGRO-TASHKENTKA"Ltd Igor Potimko is being engaged in potato cultivation on the similar technology the second year. Last season he has got 30 tons of potato from one hectare.

Igor Potimko, the director of "SBI-AGRO-TASHKENTKA" Ltd:

- It is the expensive project, but unequivocally is warranted. I can confidently tell that it is in demand in Kazakhstan. It is actively applied in Pavlodar oblast.

Since this year, this technology is planned to be inculcated in each area of our oblast, noticed the head of the region.

Serik Bilyalov, the akim of NKO:

- Within 15 days we'll examine this question, and in each area it is necessary to think over, allocate 50-100 hectares of ground, with watering in the open ground. To heads of regional departments- to examine this question .

At the conference the first results of application of bioorganic fertilizer "NAGRO" were analysed. In 2011 year these nanotechnologies have being actively introduced tens of economies of the oblast. Results impress. By words of co-founder of "Petro-Eko-Fud" Ltd Akop Azaryan, the application of fertilizer "NAGRO" allowed heads of agroformations to get the big crop of grain. In specially chosen for experiment fields it was collected up to 38 centners from a hectare.

Akop Azaryan, co-founder of "Petro-Eko-Fud" Ltd

- According to recommendations it is necessary to dissolve one liter on 200 liters of water. If small-dispenser sprayers - to reduce a dose. If 10-120 liters – a half of liter is better, but there were cases when it was diluted one to 20 on hectare.

While it was experiment. In area the factory on manufacture of mineral fertilizers "NAGRO" now is under construction. Release of first production During the current year is expected.

David Varagyan, the president of “Goldhein investments”

- I think that by the autumn we will have the manufacture. We weren't in time just technically. But we have the completed financing project. The bank which is one of the best banks of the world joint our shareholders. Analogs of such project in the world aren't present. It is the huge factory. This is the huge financing. We will find good investors. We are told, give us «NAGRO», we will give you one thousand and two. People believed. It's the 21st century. They got* to knowit what a technology it is. We want to work together on this earth and to earn. We plan to open here the representation, the informant is necessary to us, there will be the joint company.

The heads of economies were ready to cooperate, were interested, where it is possible to address to make an application on purchase of mineral fertilizer. In Management of Agriculture everybody is already ready to accept them today.

The correspondent: Anna Kulikova



                       1,0 litri                                                                       8,0 litri

     (aproximativ  pentru un hectar)            (aproximativ   pentru 8 hectare)


     NAGRO este un ingrasamint fertilizant, biostimulator,   ecologic curat, care a fost elaborate pe baza de nanotehnologii de catre Asociatia Stiintifica de Producere “BIOPLANT” din Federatia Rusa.

     NAGRO contine micro s imacroelemente necesare pentru hrana plantelor, substante bioactive care stimuleaza cresterea s iridica imunitatea plantelor, mezoelemente (nanoparticule foarte mici de substante natural extrase din particule de siliciu si din cenusa vulcanica de pe peninsula  Kamciatca), aminoacizi, vitamine, compusi de humus de rima, care constituie o hrana energetic de sustinere pentru plante,  in cazu lbolilor s isecetei. NAGRO a fos ttestat timp de 10 ani in diferite zone ale Rusiei, Kazahstanului, Armeniei, Uzbekhistanului.  Este standartizat, certificate si omolagat in mai multe tari, inclusive si in unele tari din Uniunea Europeana. Se dizolva in apa in urmatoarele proportii:

 Solutie 1:50 (aproximativ 20 ml se dizolva in  1,0 litru de apa): aceasta solutie se utilizeaza pentru prelucrarea semintelor de orice cultura, inainte de a fi semanata. Se mai prelucreaza radacinele puietilor, cepele si altele inainte de a fi sadite sau semanate (se pune la inmuiat timp de 3….4 ore);

Solutie 1:100 (aproximativ 100 ml la  10,0 litri de apa): Se va stropi (uda) radacinele copacilor tineri si tufarilor (cam 200 ml de solutie la un copac sau tufar trei ori pe  luna, la distant de 10 zile);

Solutie 1:250 (aproximativ 40 мл. la 10,0litri de apa): Se vor stropi cu pulverizatorul frunzele plantelor rasarite, florile de casa si din gradina.

Alte date se vor gasi pe eticheta flaconului. NAGRO este un produs organic si nu contine elimente active chimice care ar dauna plantelor sau solului.

 Pretul maximal de vinzare (1,0 litri)  150 RON

Pretul pentru  «reprezentanti regionali» (1,0 litri) 95 RON

Pretul maximal de vinzare (8,0 litri)  750 RON

Pretul pentru  «reprezentanti regionali» (8,0 litri) 650 RON

(RUS)  Предлагаем Вашему вниманию НОВЕЙШЕЕ биоудобрение "NAGRO" - с использованием которого прирост агропромышленности составляет 100% урожая! Новейшие разработки уже проверены на разных странах и имеют все необходимые сертификаты качества и положительные отзывы потребителей! 

                 1,0 литр                                        8,0 литр

Разводится в воде.

 Раствор 1:50 (примерно 20 мл. на 1,0 литр воды): Используется для обработки семян, луковиц и корневой структуры саженцев;

 Раствор 1:100 (примерно 100 мл. на 10,0 литр воды):Корневой полив деревьев и кустарников (по 200 грамм раствора в месяц);

Раствор 1:250 (примерно 40 мл. на 10,0 литр воды):Для листовой обработки комнатных цветов и других любых растений (Опрыскивается пульверизатором до их увлажнения);

 Расширенный способ применения и состав описаны  на флакончике. Не имеет срока годности.

 ФЛАКОН 1,0  литр: Оптовая цена для «дилеров»   330 лей

(партия не менее 20 флаконов);

Оптовая цена для «региональных представителей» 300 лей

 (партия не менее 20 флаконов);

Розничная цена 800 лей.

КАНИСТРА 8,0 литр: Оптовая цена для «дилеров» 2200 лей

(партия не менее 5 канистр);

Оптовая цена для «региональных представителей» 2000 лей

 (партия не менее 5 канистр);

Розничная цена 2500 лей.




Фирма SC EXELA Produse SRL

tel.: + 373 68191788


str. Haltei 21/2 , ap.13










Аграрная наука России обеспечивала и обеспечивает множество эффективных научных разработок, реализация которых в агропромышленном производстве позволяет поднять его на качественно новый уровень.

   К одной из таких новинок относится разработанное коллективом российских учёных биоорганическое нано удобрение «NAGRO». В его основу положены новейшие нано технологические разработки, созданные на стыке микробиологии, физики и агрохимии, что позволило создать инновационный продукт,  биологически активный и экологически безопасный - многофункциональный препарат нового поколения с высокими агрономическими и экономическими показателями.

   Удобрение не подлежит государственной регистрации, так как не является агрохимикатом (письмо РосСельхозНадзора №ФС-АС-3\10021).

   Удобрению присущи:

  • ростостимулирующий эффект (увеличивает корневую систему растения в 3-10 раз, ширину листовой пластины до 100%, вегетативную массу в 2-3 раза),
  • антистрессовый эффект (снимает пестицидный стресс, повышает засухоустойчивость, морозоустойчивость),  
  • свойства фунгицида, инсектицида (70-80% от действия химических препаратов),
  • свойства адаптогена (повышает всхожесть и энергию прорастания семян до 80-96%, приживаемость всходов),
  • увеличение урожая от 30 до 200%,
  • уменьшение сроков созревания сельхоз культур на 7-10 дней,
  • улучшение качества сельхозпродукции (увеличение клейковины в пшенице на 3-8 ед., сахара в сахарной свекле на 20-80%, витаминов в овощных культурах).

   Применение этого удобрения позволяет получить высокий экономический эффект у сельскохозяйственных производителей за счёт снижения применения минеральных удобрений и СЗР на 50-100% при том что средняя урожайность как показывает практика применения не падает, а из года в год растёт. Это происходит за счёт повышения плодородия почв от 0,1 до 0,25% в год, связанное с увеличением размеров корневой системы растений. Как известно корни - самая доступная для почвы органика и бурное развитие метаболизма почвы, так как в удобрении содержатся специальные питательные элементы для их развития.

   Приведём пример применения удобрения в 2009 году в Костромской области (приложение 1 и 2) на картофеле. В первом, контрольном варианте, картофель без применения всех удобрений дал урожайность 20 тонн с гектара, в втором варианте применили 400 кг азофоски, стоимость которой составляет около 5000 рублей, что дало урожайность 27 тонн с гектара, в третьем варианте применили биоорганическое нано удобрение «NAGRO» в объёме 2,5 литра на гектар стоимостью 750 рублей и получили урожайность 30 тонн с гектара. Дополнительная совокупная прибыль для сельскохозяйственного производителя от использования биоорганического нано удобрения «NAGRO» по сравнению с использованием минеральных удобрений составила 34250 рублей (расчётная стоимость картофеля 10 рублей тонна). Кроме того, семена, выращенные с применением биоорганического нано удобрения «NAGRO», при следующем высеве дают больший урожай даже без применения нашего удобрения. Такая же ситуация отмечается приблизительно на всех культурах, выращиваемых в РФ и других странах мира.

   Рассмотрим пример на зерновых. Многие сельскохозяйственные производители применяют от 100 до 300 кг селитры на гектар понимая, что каждые 100 кг селитры могут дать прибавку урожая на 1,0-1,5 центнера с гектара. Её стоимость составляет на сегодняшний день около 900 рублей. Замена 100 кг селитры по её стоимости на биоорганическое нано удобрение «NAGRO» по той же стоимости на гектар, но в полной гектарной норме (2,5 литра на га), позволит получить прибавку урожая от 5 до 20 центнеров на гектар, улучшение качества зерна с 4 класса на 3 класс, снижение зимних потерь (вымерзание), что даёт средний дополнительный доход в размере 2500 рублей (расчётная цена на пшеницу 3 класса 6000 рублей тонна и минимальная прибавка 5 центнеров), это не учитывая сэкономленных денег на снижение объемов применяемых фунгицидов и инсектицидов. Теперь можно рассчитать рентабельность сельскохозяйственного производителя. Возьмём среднее значение расходов на гектар в размере 8000 рублей с урожайностью 20 центнеров с гектара. При цене пшеницы 4 класса 5500 руб. себестоимость одной тонны равна 4000 рублей, а прибыль - 1500 рублей с той же тонны. С применением биоорганического нано удобрения «NAGRO» и урожайностью 25 центнеров с гектара, себестоимость составит те же 8000 рублей, а прибыль составит уже 3500 рублей, т.е. в два с лишним раза больше. Это не фантастика, а подтверждённый факт. Но в этой технологии есть и минусы – это наш «многострадальный» народ, который трудится в поле. Как только средний по погоде год вместо привычных средних 20 центнеров с гектара вдруг приносит 30, им почему-то не хочется об этом изобилии докладывать начальству, а хочется прибавить в отчётности центнера 2-3, а всё остальное как Вы думаете, куда? Поэтому советуем создавать современные системы учёта и закупать современную технику, позволяющую это делать. А если этого нет, тогда на кого можно всё свалить? Конечно же, на неизвестное удобрение. Ну нет прибавки, ну нет! Так и идём к инновациям: у всех всё есть, никому ничего не надо!

   Использование данного препарата позволит:

  • повысить урожайность основных сельхоз культур;
  • создать систему высокопроизводительных и ресурсосберегающих сельскохозяйственных технологий, рационально использовать минеральные удобрения, уменьшить использование или отказаться от использования ядохимикатов;
  • сохранить и поддержать почвенное плодородие;
  • снизить влияние природно-климатических рисков на экономику агропромышленного комплекса;
  • увеличить качество продукции – увеличить содержание полезных веществ, снизить содержание пестицидов в сельхозпродукции;
  • создать высокобелковую кормовую базу;
  • успешно бороться с заболеваниями животных;
  • улучшить фитопатологическую обстановку сельхозугодий.

   Биоорганическое нано удобрение «NAGRO» выпускается в виде высококонцентрированной жидкости (расход 1-3 л на 1 гектар). Удобрение безопасно для человека и животных. Совместимо со всеми химическими средствами защиты растений. Не требует внесения изменений в существующие агротехнические приемы. Обработка осуществляется путем опрыскивания-протравливания (индустриальное сельское хозяйство) растений и замачивания (в садоводстве) семян водным раствором удобрения в зависимости от вида растения и периода внесения удобрений.    Условия хранения: от 0 0С до +30 0С, срок действия неограничен, гарантийный срок хранения 3 года. Фасовка осуществляется в полимерную тару: 5 мл Х 5 шт., 100 мл, 1л , 4,5 л, 8 л, 200 л.

   Биоорганическое нано удобрение «NAGRO» – экологически безопасный продукт, в нем нет искусственно созданных веществ, изготавливается только из природных экологически чистых компонентов. Оно запатентовано, испытано на протяжении последних 10 лет в хозяйствах России, порядка 20 НИИ и университетах, а так же за рубежом: Вьетнам, Бразилия, Сербия, ЕС, Турция, Иордания, Пакистан, Судан, Арабские Эмираты, Саудовская Аравия. Это единственное российское удобрение, получившее официальное разрешение в ЕС для применения в экологическом земледелии на её территории.


Состав удобрения






НД на метод








ед. рН

ГОСТ 27979-88



Сухой остаток


ГОСТ 26713-85



Азот общий


ГОСТ 26715-85



Фосфор общий


ГОСТ 26717-85



Калий общий


ГОСТ 26718-85



Органическое вещество


ГОСТ 27980-88



Общий углерод


ГОСТ 26213-91,

выделение гуминовых

кислот по методу

М.М. Кононовой,

НЛ. Бельчиковой



Углерод гуминовых кислот




Гуминовые кислоты




Углерод фульвокислот








Сумма гуминовых и фульвокислот


















Методические указания

по определению тяжелых

металлов в почвах сельхозугодий и продукции растениеводства.

М.: ЦИНАО, 1992






























It has been common knowledge since the ancient times that the best fertilizer type for plants nutrition, as well as preservation and increase of the soil fertility, is organic fertilizer, i.e. manure of animals and/or birds. Such fertilizers contain the correct balance of all the nutrients that are necessary for our plants. If one-, two-, or three-component fertilizers are used - especially, in large quantities - certain nutrients will block the other elements or over-fertilize the plants. For example, an increased amount of nitrogen blocks the absorption of phosphorus. Large amounts of synthetic fertilizers pollute the environment and reach the ground water as a result of being washed off. Also, not only do they fail to stimulate an increase of the humus content in the soil but they may even decrease it altogether, which leads to a reduction in the soil fertility. However, organic fertilizers help avoid these problems. Scientists are involved in the solution of the issue of preservation of the best qualities of manure for as long as possible. They help discover how to produce or recycle this organic fertilizer so that it could be conveniently stored, handled, and used for extended periods of time. The conventional use of manure sometimes leads to problems. Its use is the most profitable near farms or manure yards. However, what about those of us who do not keep any animals? In this case, the manure needs to be delivered or purchased from afar. Recently, it has become very popular and profitable to produce and process concentrated liquid or granular fertilizers. If this production results in high-quality fertilizers, they can help farmers solve a large number of problems. Perhaps, the most common processing methods are fermentation, pasteurization and maturation, separation (reduction of the particle size, or nanotechnologies), and other. The new NAGRO organic fertilizer can help obtain a more rich and healthy crop, as well as keep the environment clean and beautiful. NAGRO is the first agricultural fertilizer that uses nanotechnologies of grinding of large-grained molecular compounds of nutrients and biologically active substances in its production. It is clear that the smaller particles of the nutrients are, the easier it is for them to penetrate the cell membrane, which leads to better absorption. As a result, plants grow faster; their immune system is improved; the number of productive stems and leaves increases, as well as the area of the leaf blade; leaf color turns saturated green; and abundant flowering is stimulated. NAGRO belongs to a class of formulations that protect plants from fungal and bacterial diseases. NAGRO fertilizer has adaptogenic properties. It stimulates plant resistance to stress at the adverse effects of the environment, including the lack of moisture and of temperature changes. The main active ingredient of the fertilizer consists of easily digestible substances, micronutrient elements in a chelated form, and beneficial soil microorganisms. It contains humates, fulvic and amino acids, vitamins, natural plant hormones that stimulate the growth of the substance, and micro- and macronutrient elements. NAGRO fertilizer is ideal for farms that use organic farming methods and grow environmentally friendly products, including products intended for baby food. NAGRO liquid fertilizer is a biologically active formulation made on the basis of nanotechnologies and is an innovation in the area of agriculture. Our new efficient NAGRO liquid bioorganic fertilizer is recommended to be used by farmers, gardeners, plant growers, foresters and all those who love nature, aims to keep the environment clean and beautiful, and wants to grow healthy food. This fertilizer is suitable for all kinds of plants. NAGRO is a valuable ecological fertilizer that is well-suited for both environment-friendly and intensively chemicalized farms. Ecological Management is one of the priority sectors in the European Union and receives substantial financial support. An increased demand for organic products is now evident, as a considerable number of people have decided to eat healthy food, which contains no residuals of various carcinogens. Unfortunately, Europe does not currently produce enough organic products to fulfill the demand of its local markets; at the same time, the need for such products increases every year. It is almost impossible to grow high-quality organic products without proper and balanced fertilization of the plants and provision of nutrient elements. Large amounts of nutrient elements are removed along with the harvest of crops. The loss of these elements needs to be compensated; otherwise, the soil will become exhausted. Organic farms are strictly prohibited from using synthetic fertilizers and synthetic pesticides. Often, the quality of the grown crops does not comply with the requirements posed by the processers because they cannot be used to make high-quality products. If the soil lacks nitrogen, the grown wheat will be low in protein, an insufficient number of fibrin, and will possess a small index of sedimentation, as well as a falling-number value. The product quality also suffers from a lack of other nutrient elements in the soil. The organic farming system searches for methods and means to increase fertility of the soil. The nitrogen/phosphorus issue is currently the most painful problem in the organic farming system. Farms do not have enough organic fertilizers; organic fertilizers from large complexes and farms with intensive production cannot be used as it is strictly against the rules of organic farming. Recently, farmers, gardeners, and plant growers are increasingly focused on the use of green products in their fields. This is understandable, since people tend to consume healthy food and aim to create a healthy beautiful environment. It is important to maintain biological balance: undepleted and productive soil - productive and healthy plants - high-quality food and a healthy beautiful environment. To achieve these goals, it is no longer enough to use main classical fertilizers or manure in the spring and in the fall. Plants need to be dressed evenly throughout the growing season. This condition is a very important because if the plants are provided with additional energy at all stages of their growth, they will be able to easily protect themselves from disease and pests. If, in the course of germination, tillering, formation of leaves, sprouts and buds, flowering and fruit ripening, the plants receive only synthetic fertilizers and only synthetic pesticides are sprayed, this will lead to high levels of contamination of the soil, the environment, and the entire plant produce with chemicals. These problems can be solved by using organic fertilizers and various vegetable-based concoctions. This is important not only for growing food, but also for ornamental plants and flowers, especially pot flowers. Let us seek not only healthy food but also a healthy clean environment. The use of vegetable-based concoctions, certain older organic fertilizers, and various composts may lead to certain inconvenience: specific smells, spraying of large quantities during filling and dilution of organic fertilizers, spraying issues due to nozzle clogging. When stored over extended periods of time, such fertilizers can turn sour and foul up. The new NAGRO organic fertilizer can help evade these problems and obtain a more rich and healthy crop, as well as keep the environment clean and beautiful. Application of NAGRO fertilizer not only improves the productivity of cultivated plants but also the quality of the crops: the volume of fibrin in grains, the sugar content of sugar beets, the vitamins and biologically active substances in vegetables all increase. At the same time, the necessity of a variety of PPP solutions is decreased. Based on the economic calculations, the use of NAGRO fertilizer is very efficient. This fertilizer can be successfully used in farms and intensive-chemicalized production facilities in Russia for growing of various crops. Thus, it can save more than 50 percent of the volumes of fertilizers and chemicals, as well as fuel, depreciation, and decrease the environmental pollution with chemicals. The NAGRO bioorganic nano-fertilizer is characterized by a pronounced fungicide effect in relation to pathogens; at the same time, it has a positively impact on all the microbial community of the rhizosphere of plants. Pseudomonas aureofaciens bacteria produce a range of antibiotic-static agents during their life cycle that inhibit development of pathogenic fungi and bacteria up to and inclusive of their destruction; at the same time, they have a positive impact on the development of useful microorganisms. Seed treatment is the most important and efficient method of protecting plants from seed and soil infection in the initial phases of plant development. In recognition of the importance of plant protection, our team has developed a new group of fertilizers for seed germination: NAGRO germination ability and power bioenergetic for seeds. It is common knowledge that the diseases spread not only in the soil but also in air. The fungicidal component of the NAGRO bioorganic nano-fertilizer is effective against leafy infections. In the case of a greater level of disease (leafy infection), concoctions with a half-norm of specialized chemical fungicide are to be used. NAGRO bioorganic nano-fertilizer is effective against the agents of stinking smut and loose smut, different types of root rot, powdery mildew, Septoria blight, Fusarium blight, and others, and possesses not only fungicidal but also bactericidal properties. Our observations of the development of the disease support the conclusion that a single treatment of plants is not sufficient for their protection against diseases. In normal practice, we recommend the implementation of treatment of crop seeds with the use of the NAGRO bioenergetic, followed by 2-fold treatment of plants during the vegetation period using the NAGRO fertilizer during the phenological phases specific for each crop. Plant immunity is resistance of the plant to diseases when the causative agent (pathogen) is unable to infect or develop in the tissues of the plant. The operation of the natural regulators of immunity can be significantly intensified by means of application of various biogenic substances to the plant. Under the action of specific bacterial substances of the NAGRO bioorganic nano-fertilizer, plants undergo reorganization at the biochemical level, which leads to long-term and maximum activation of the immunity systems. Because of this, at a moderate rate of development of diseases, plants independently inhibit the sporulation of the pathogen on the leaves since they possess strong immunity acquired through NAGRO bioorganic nano-fertilizer. Different plants show different levels of these reactions due to the genetic immune status of the plants. It has been discovered, for example, that the most significant effect is achieved when the nano-fertilizer is used in the early phases of phenological development and certainly before the destruction of the plant by pathogens (isolation of apple buds, budding of black currant). The best effect is observed in the early season dressing; at the same time, the development of leaf pathogens that infect plants during the growing season (powdery mildew, favus) is effectively controlled. Under the action of NAGRO bioorganic nano-fertilizer, the number of generations of pathogens and, as a consequence, the development rate of diseases and their harm are dramatically reduced. A feature of the NAGRO bioorganic nano-fertilizer is its exceptionally high biological efficiency when it is used in very low, well-defined concentrations of spray materials. The insecticidal properties of our nano-fertilizer are substantially different from the existing methods of plant protection. The known methods of pest control lead to the death of insects; at the same time, beneficial insects suffer as well and eventually just die; the NAGRO bioorganic nano-fertilizer scare away harmful insects, rather than kill them, via a complex of technological elements in its composition such as, for example, the "antipheromone" created by our experts. 1. Application Effect. Foliar dressing stimulate plant growth and development. Comprehensive application of our nano-fertilizer can improve the yield and the quality of crops: thus, grain crops possess increased fibrin content and an increased number of grains per ear; sugar beet features accelerated growth and development, reduction of the growing season, and an increase of the yields and sugar content in the roots. Application of the NAGRO bioorganic nano-fertilizer helps accelerate vegetation for all kinds of crops. In addition to the pronounced stimulatory effect, application of the NAGRO bioorganic nano-fertilizer can relieve stress in plants when treated with pesticides. In the event of foliar application, the signs of stimulation appear for a few hours while the growth-promoting effect lasts for 1 to 2 months. Vegetative application is necessary to strengthen and consolidate the stimulating effect of seed (grain) treatment. However, even a single application of the NAGRO bioorganic nano-fertilizer during the growing season can lead to significant and pronounced effects and results. For vegetables, fruit crops, sugar beets, and corn, foliar application of our nano-fertilizer is crucial. The processing time is of great importance because foliar application that has been conducted during the physiologically important phase of plant development possesses a greater effect. Thus, in the case of winter wheat, one of the key elements of the crop growing technology is post-winter wheat dressing. This treatment is implemented by spraying the plants with a solution of the NAGRO bioorganic nano-fertilizer and additional nitrogen fertilizing. This helps strengthen the oppressed and damaged plants, encourage their growth and development. Foliar dressing of winter wheat during the grain formation stage contributes to increase of fibrin content.


Фирма SC EXELA Produse SRL

tel.: + 373 68191788


str. Haltei 21/2 , ap.13

Reprezentant in Romania

SC EXELA Cosmo-Com SRL, Bucuresti



+40 726 799 609


 Concentratul biostimulator NAGRO este un produs de fertilizare si biostimulare a incoltirii semintelor, cresterii plantelor de gradina si  cimp,  rasadelor,  florilor si puietilor. NAGRO este un produs rusesc, care contine nano particule extrase din cenusa vulcanica de pe peninsula Kamciatca, aminoacizii liberi cu masa moleculara mica care se transloca si se absorb rapid, sunt direct utilizati de seminte, radacini, si planta la sinteza proteinelor. In acest fel, o mare parte din energie este salvata si apoi concentrata la cresterea masei foliare. Ca rezultat se mareste imunitatea plantelor, se sporeste roada, se intaresc radacinele, se maresc marimea si greutatea fructelor si legumelor. NAGRO se dizolva in apa in urmatoarele proportii.

Solutie 1:50 (aproximativ 20 ml se dizolva in  1,0 litru de apa): aceasta solutie se utilizeaza pentru prelucrarea semintelor de orice cultura, inainte de a fi semanata. Se mai prelucreaza radacinele puietilor, cepele si altele inainte de a fi sadite sau semanate (se pune la inmuiat timp de 3….4 ore);

Solutie 1:100 (aproximativ 100 ml la  10,0 litri de apa): Se va stropi (uda) radacinele copacilor tineri si tufarilor (cam 200 ml de solutie la un copac sau tufar trei ori pe  luna, la distant de 10 zile);

Solutie 1:250 (aproximativ 40 мл. la 10,0litri de apa): Se vor stropi cu pulverizatorul frunzele plantelor rasarite, florile de casa si din gradina.

 Alte date se vor gasi pe eticheta flaconului. NAGRO este un produs organic si nu contine elimente active chimice care ar dauna plantelor sau solului.

Pretul maximal de vinzare  25 RON

Pretul pentru  «reprezentanti regionali» 15 RON



(RUS) NAGRO - 100 ml разводится в воде.

Раствор 1:50 (примерно 20 мл. на 1,0 литр воды): Используется для обработки семян, луковиц и корневой структуры саженцев;

 Раствор 1:100 (примерно 100 мл. на 10,0 литр воды):Корневой полив деревьев и кустарников (по 200 грамм раствора в месяц);

Раствор 1:250 (примерно 40 мл. на 10,0 литр воды):Для листовой обработки комнатных цветов и других любых растений (Опрыскивается пульверизатором до их увлажнения);

Расширенный способ применения и состав описаны  на флакончике. Не имеет срока годности.

 Оптовая цена для «дилеров» 66 лей (MD)

(партия не менее 20 флаконов);

Оптовая цена для «региональных представителей» 60 лей (MD)

 (партия не менее 20 флаконов);

Розничная цена 75 лей. (MD)





MINUNI   IN    SANATATEA   OMULUI   SI   A   PLANTELOR – le fac nanotehnologiile

    Va place crescutul  florilor in casa? Va doriti o roada buna la ogor si in cimp? In jurul case va place sa fie mai multa verdeata? Sunteti pentru produse fara toxine si otravuri?

Faceti cunostinta cu ingrasamintul concentrate NAGRO. Acest biostimulator al cresterii plantelor face minuni. Florile si plantele devin foarte rezistente in fata bolilor si secetei. Roada este calitativa. Productivitatea se mareste de la 30 la 80%.

E greu de crezut?  Cumparati un flaconas NAGRO, numai cu  6,0 euro (50 doze de prelucrat semintele si 100 doze de stropit si prelucrat radacinele) si ve-ti vedea rezultate uimitoare.






Va place crescutul  florilor in casa? Va doriti o roada buna la ogor si in cimp? In jurul case va place sa fie mai multa verdeata? Sunteti pentru produse fara toxine si otravuri?Faceti cunostinta cu ingrasamintul concentrate NAGRO. Acest biostimulator al cresterii plantelor face minuni. Florile si plantele devin foarte rezistente in fata bolilor si secetei. Roada este calitativa. Productivitatea se mareste de la 30 la 80%. E greu de crezut?  Cumparati un flaconas NAGRO, numai cu  6,0 euro (50 doze de prelucrat semintele si 100 doze de stropit si prelucrat radacinele) si ve-ti vedea rezultate uimitoare. 





Nanotechnologies in the agro-indusrial complex

It will allow landowners to get big crops.We already have the first results of application of bioorganic fertilizers «NAGRO». Opening meeting, the Head of the oblast noticed that innovative technologies in agriculture - one of the main components of the success of this branch of economy.

Environmental conditions of Northern Kazakhstan allow to receive big crops of agricultural cultures. But it is guaranteed only against the high standard of farming and introduction of new technologies that provides preservation and restoration of fertility of soil, stabilization of level of productivity, reception of high-quality level of productivity and increase of profitability of manufacture. If in the most droughty year we received to 12 ts/hectares, that, introducing modern technologies, we should receive not less than 20-25 ts/hectares.

In NКО the project on application of nanotechnologies in the agriculture branch is already realized. It is the question of bioorganic fertilizer "NAGRO" for grain. Today representatives of the company are in the hall. But they will tell about the first results of this project a bit later. Firstly the presented their partners - foreign colleagues from Holland who, using innovations, are engaged in the manufacture of seeds of potato.

David Varagyan, the president of “Goldhein investments”

There is a possibility to cooperate, to unite. We'll be glad to help, and help with leasing registration. We involve partners. Here is Holland, though and it is some tens times less in territory, but realizes today up to 950 thousand tons of potato seeds.

According to the head of region Serik Bilyalov, the Dutch technology of cultivation of the potato is already applied in the oblast. He gave an example of КТ "Zenchenko and K", here quite good results are received. At the same time the akim of the oblast noticed that today in region the elite seeds of potato are just brought in. And together with the Dutch experts this problem can be solved.

The top-manager on export of "Agritech Profi" Leon Van Der Vekken informed - in the market of Russia and Kazakhstan the the company has worked 25 years. Using the modern technologies, "Agritech Profi" lets out the biologically qualitative product. Heads of agricultural formations of the oblast were have shown a film about use of this technology. Average productivity - 40 tons of potato from one hectare. Totally in the company it is made more than 200 varieties of seeds. The North Kazakhstans citizens became interested in the project, actively asked questions. For example, about the how long the vegetative period lasts.

Leon Van Der Vekken, the top-manager on export of "Agritech Profi", Holland

- We are also interested, that your results were quite well. There are a lot of experts in our company, who can help to get a good result.

About technologies of cultivation of potato representatives of one more Dutch firm "Agri" have told also. Here the approach to business is the similar. As a whole, conditions are clear to the North Kazakhstan experts, as well as that this project is perspective.

The director of "SBI-AGRO-TASHKENTKA"Ltd Igor Potimko is being engaged in potato cultivation on the similar technology the second year. Last season he has got 30 tons of potato from one hectare.

Igor Potimko, the director of "SBI-AGRO-TASHKENTKA" Ltd:

- It is the expensive project, but unequivocally is warranted. I can confidently tell that it is in demand in Kazakhstan. It is actively applied in Pavlodar oblast.

Since this year, this technology is planned to be inculcated in each area of our oblast, noticed the head of the region.

Serik Bilyalov, the akim of NKO:

- Within 15 days we'll examine this question, and in each area it is necessary to think over, allocate 50-100 hectares of ground, with watering in the open ground. To heads of regional departments- to examine this question .

At the conference the first results of application of bioorganic fertilizer "NAGRO" were analysed. In 2011 year these nanotechnologies have being actively introduced tens of economies of the oblast. Results impress. By words of co-founder of "Petro-Eko-Fud" Ltd Akop Azaryan, the application of fertilizer "NAGRO" allowed heads of agroformations to get the big crop of grain. In specially chosen for experiment fields it was collected up to 38 centners from a hectare.

Akop Azaryan, co-founder of "Petro-Eko-Fud" Ltd

- According to recommendations it is necessary to dissolve one liter on 200 liters of water. If small-dispenser sprayers - to reduce a dose. If 10-120 liters – a half of liter is better, but there were cases when it was diluted one to 20 on hectare.

While it was experiment. In area the factory on manufacture of mineral fertilizers "NAGRO" now is under construction. Release of first production During the current year is expected.

David Varagyan, the president of “Goldhein investments”

- I think that by the autumn we will have the manufacture. We weren't in time just technically. But we have the completed financing project. The bank which is one of the best banks of the world joint our shareholders. Analogs of such project in the world aren't present. It is the huge factory. This is the huge financing. We will find good investors. We are told, give us «NAGRO», we will give you one thousand and two. People believed. It's the 21st century. They got* to knowit what a technology it is. We want to work together on this earth and to earn. We plan to open here the representation, the informant is necessary to us, there will be the joint company.

The heads of economies were ready to cooperate, were interested, where it is possible to address to make an application on purchase of mineral fertilizer. In Management of Agriculture everybody is already ready to accept them today.

The correspondent: Anna Kulikova


The mechanism of action of fertilizer “NAGRO”

Now the interest to organic fertilizers sharply increased all over the world. It is explained by, first of all, influence of the market of consumption of foodstuff. The consumer began to pay more and more attention to quality of foodstuff, its ecological compatibility.

Effect of use of fertilizer “NAGRO”

Extraroot cultivation stimulate growth and development of plants. Complex cultivations allow to raise the productivity and quality of agricultural crops, for example: at grain crops the gluten maintenance raises, the quantity of grains in an ear increases; at a sugar beet growth and development are accelerated, the vegetative period is reduced, productivity and the sugar maintenance in root crops raises.

A combination to other preparations

Bioorganic nanofertilizer «NAGRO» - can be applied with fertilizers and means protection, biological products and growth regulators in tank mixes.

Preparation, safety, transportation

Order of preparation of work solutions
Bioorganic nanofertilizer «NAGRO» is easy and without the rest dissolved in water,


Effect of NAGRO Fertilizer on Amount of Winter Wheat Plants, its Weight and Size.

Intensive chemicalized area of the Instructional Farm of Aleksandras Stulginskis University, 2011.

Research options

For number of plants, pcs/m2

For weight of plants, g/m2

For number of stalks in a plant

For length of roots, cm

For height of sprouts, cm

Check, NAGRO fertilizer and protectant were not used






2. Olivin winter wheat seeds were treated with Roxil 060FS protectant






3. Olivin winter wheat seeds were treated with NAGRO fertilizer 1 l/t






4. Olivin winter wheat seeds were treated with NAGRO fertilizer 1 l/t and withRoxil 060FS protectant 0.5 l/t













Basic indicators of summer wheat grains quality


Proteins, %

Fibrin, %

N, %

P, %

K, %




















Effect of NAGRO bioorganic nano-fertilizer on chickpea plants (Krasnokutsky 34) morphological properties under greenhouse study conditions.

Fertilizer concentration option

Plant heightcm

Wet weight of plants, g

Dry weight of plants, g



































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